Coaching has come of ‘age’ as a profession. As such coaches are required to carry out meaningful ‘Continuous Professional Development’ every year and participate in a minimum number of sessions with a trained ‘Supervisor’ dependent upon the amount of coaching they are undertaking per annum.
The ‘Coach Supervisor’ has three main functions: to provide qualitative enquiry of the relationship between the coach and their clients, developmental intervention and resourcing support for the coach.
As a trained Supervisor David Bredin not only gives and receives supervision, but this additional discipline greatly enhances his skill and knowledge as a coach.
“A child is having a nightmare. Isn’t it our instinct to take it gently in our arms, hold it tenderly and by lovingly talking to it, encourage it to wake up ? I invite my supervisees to do exactly the same with their clients” – Jochen Encke
Some Testimonials
“David has been my coaching supervisor now for 18 months he has a gentle and shrewd personality providing support through thoughtful and resourcefully questions. With his astute questions I can look deeper for the answers that indeed often lie within, helping me to recognise and articulate their significance. David’s feedback gives insight and confirmation, reassurance is given through reflection so that I may recognise and acknowledge my understanding. David demonstrates patience and empathy with integrity, he has an inspiring ability to draw out the answers and then plant understanding with reflection…. it is sublime. I enjoy my supervision sessions because they have purpose, I can measure my growth. His ability to help me recognise my development in a nurturing supporting environment is an exciting and instrumental experience.
(Coach and Therapist)
“David is an excellent coach and professional supervisor with a positive coaching style. He encourages reflection by insightful questioning and works with you to develop a plan of action to achieve your goals, offering support and challenge equally.”
(Independent coaching professional – Jan 2013 )
“I have personally experienced being supervised by David and so appreciate both his supportive and reflective style. Coaching Supervision is a new profession and I am sure that David will be hold a very important part in supporting and developing coaches. I highly recommend David’ s supportive and compassionate coaching style ”
(Independent coaching professional – Feb 2013)